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Learning Management System

Learning system support online education.

system featuers summary

Admin panel

  • Dashboard
  • User Management
    • Admin
    • Instructors
    • Students
  • Courses
    • Categories
    •  Review courses
  • System commission from Instructor setting
  • Instructor payments
  • System earnings
  • Support tickets

Instructors’ panel

  • Dashboard 
  • Courses
  • Students
  • Messages
  • Comments
  • Payment
    • Payment setting
    • Payment requests
  • Support tickets


  • List of courses at home page
  • List of categories
  • Course page
  • Instructor page
  • Course enrollment
    • Cart
    • payment
  • Course view classes and lessons
  • My courses page
  • User profile /login /password reset

Supported language: English / Arabic

Reuest LMS qutation

ask free demo & presentation meeting

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Sales Tracking – CRM

Understand your customers better with our CRM system. It has built-in analytic capabilities to inspect data along with crucial metrics such as bounce rates, click-through rates, and demographic gen to help you measure your campaign’s success. Moreover, you can automate sales with it to speed up the sales process and boost your crew’s productivity.

reuest qutation

ask free demo & presentation meeting

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24 Track Way

24 Track Way is an advanced car tracking system that lets you access your car’s real-time location on all platforms. The application has a user-friendly interface so that anyone can operate it without prior knowledge. Additionally, it can be discreetly tucked away in your vehicle and takes only a few minutes to install.

Top Features

  • See one or more cars on the map
  • Group a large number of devices on the map
  • Track your car’s real-time location through zoom in/zoom out
  • Time and position indicators
  • Add zones and points of interest
  • Receive a notification when your vehicle moves out of that zone or POI

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Corsat Masr is the first Arabic site containing complete details of top training institutes in Egypt along with the courses and certification programs they offer. Select a course at your preferred center, and the website will present all the related information, such as the course tutors, trainees, and location of the institute.

Egypt courses and training centers classified ,specialized and localized